Car Headlights

Silverstone Automotive Centre > 5 Ways to Keep Your Vehicle in Top Condition

5 Ways to Keep Your Vehicle in Top Condition

May 10, 2018

Think about it, you spend a lot of time in your car. Whether you are driving to work or simply going to pick up groceries, your vehicle is constantly being used for your convenience. That being said, safety is a big deal when driving. Getting your vehicle checked often, maintains its durability and ensures that it lasts longer. This might seem like a complicated and expensive task, but with a proper and thorough vehicle inspection, it doesn’t have to be. Check out these tips to keep your car in good shape and looking great.

  1. Find a Trusted Mechanic – First things first, especially with a newly purchased car, bringing it in for a regular maintenance check is always a good idea. Experts can run a complete diagnostic on your vehicle to see if there are any issues. This does not need to be done bi-weekly, however, taking an occasional visit to your local mechanic is highly recommended, if not essential to ensuring your safety. Doing so also prevents future breakdowns from happening, saving you from repair costs later on.
  2. Keep Up with Cleanliness – Washing the exterior, along with the interior of your car makes a big difference when it comes to comfort and sanitization. Exterior car washes prevent paint from fading quickly, and regularly cleaning your vehicle’s windows allows you to see the road more clearly. Regarding the interior, getting your vehicle detailed will eliminate bacteria build up that can cause sickness, not to mention, it will help retain your car’s overall value.
  3. Oil Change – This can be done yourself, but it is encouraged that you ask your mechanic how to proceed in order to not damage your vehicle. Your motor oil is what keeps your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently, so it is important to always change the overused oil. Here are more detailed steps on how to complete an oil change. –
  4. Tire Pressure Check – The most important time to check your tire pressure is when the seasons change. Warm temperatures tend to increase tire pressure, while cold temperatures decrease it. Every time you drive you are weakening your tires, so continuing to monitor them as well as getting them serviced when necessary is very important.
  5. Change Headlights – Do not wait for your vehicle’s headlights to fail before you change them. Even letting your car’s lights dim can be just as dangerous for you, and others around you when it’s dark. A good quality vehicle is one that protects you, as well as others from potential danger and making sure that your headlights are bright, will do just that.

Although improving the appearance of your vehicle is exciting, the only way to ensure that it stays in optimal condition is to continually monitor all of its features, that way if you notice something unusual, you can schedule a maintenance appointment right away.

Of course, Silverstone Automotive is always here to help if you need it. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.